The post test results indicated that the TIMBOARD  used to facilitate students understanding towards the topic is very straightforward. The students reacted positively towards TIMBOARD. The TIMBOARD using drawing of solution can reveal more information about their views on the chemical reaction occur between acid and base which is very macroscopic or non-visible. In the procedure, when the students describe their observations of the reaction taking place in a conical flask, they a modelling the reaction at the macroscopic level. The TIMBOARD represents the reaction at the symbolic level. These results suggest that allowing students engage with the material using multiple representations such as TIMBOARD, has been instrumental in the improved performance of students. The qualitative idea of titration could help the students to relate the idea with respect to the quantitative and numerical aspects of pH.

However there are a small group (about11) of students, able to work at  the sub-microscopic level without the TIMBOARD. There were no vast differences between the pre-test and post-test scores. This shows that they can able to make senseof what is going on in the cinical flask by visualising in their mind eyes what is happening to the ions that are involved in the reaction between acid and base.

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